Electronic Funds Transfer (ETF)

Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) – for single and recurrent donations

Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) is an interbank system which permits direct transfer of funds from one account to another. Some banks call this a “Direct Debit” system. This is good for both single one time donations and recurrent donations. This is more cost effective than any other method of donation, both for you and Harmonize For Speech. For recurrent donations, if at any time you wish to change the donation, you can instruct your bank, so you are in control!

To set up an EFT Donation, please contact your own bank and provide them with this information about the Harmonize For Speech banking arrangements:

Transit: 23132
Institution: 001
Account Number: 1090386

Some banks ask for a void cheque image for the account to which you wish to send funds. It is their surefire way to avoid typos and similar mistakes! Please download an image of a VOIDED H4S cheque here.

In order that you instruct us about your donation, please complete and submit the form below

EFT Form

EFT Form

A single Tax Receipt will be sent to you just after the year end for your total donations during the current year.
Tax Receipt
Dedication Information
Dedication Notification