
If this is your preferred method, please download, complete and mail this form with your cheque. Mailing address and payee information are on the form. . . .


You can complete the information below on this webpage and simply send your cheque in the post to:

Payee: Harmonize For Speech
Send to: c/o Moe Schroter – Treasurer
38 Albert Street
Bowmanville,  ON
L1C 0A8

You may use this form to make this a Living or In Memoriam Tribute.

Any type of donor (individual, corporation, or group) may use this form

You can use this form to indicate if you wish to have someone notified of your gift. For example, knowing a gift was made in memory of someone can be of great comfort to those who are grieving.

Perhaps you are honouring a dear friend or a group with a gift to Harmonize for Speech. They might be delighted to know that a gift was donated in their honour!

Here is what we need to know:

Cheque Form
Tax Receipt
Dedication Information
Dedication Notification